it is what it is.
does exactly what it says it does, with minimal customization. Good start into somthing like this, maybe add a more Vista-style box and more customazion and you have a sequel.
it is what it is.
does exactly what it says it does, with minimal customization. Good start into somthing like this, maybe add a more Vista-style box and more customazion and you have a sequel.
funny, and did any of you guys see a pic of him now? He's kinds fat.
Great Story
Amazing story, cut scenes. however, gameplay was a big disappointment. Good job for the 3D, graphics were tolerable if not for the horrendous gameplay; it was boring and repetitive.
boring, unresponsive controls.
The shooter and epic roll were the best. Killing Jack Thompson=Great Idea
(too bad everone would be like "Oh my God hes right people who play games killed this guy! Then they arrest a gang member that did it for sh*ts and giggles)
how do you get the first medal?
ok game, but i hate all the newer games having a tie in with MochiGames
a decent twist on the "Strategic Exlosion" Genre
great, but controls a little slow for a fast paced game. Not very good.
dont like MociGames tie-in. I lost a lot of save data after the first time i played.
Joined on 8/26/07