good everything but gameplay
Thje tile screen is messed up, animated 'doors' would be good, and it's a random guessing game. Other than that it's perfectly fine, good choice of music.
good everything but gameplay
Thje tile screen is messed up, animated 'doors' would be good, and it's a random guessing game. Other than that it's perfectly fine, good choice of music.
Yeah I know, It was much better before but when I switched to CS4 everything got screwed up somehow. I'll try and submit the correct version latter If I still got it. Also, If you play through some more lvls there are animated doors.
Stuid question
How do you advance after the second scene? I burned the boces, now what?
just press the action button (E default) near the air hole which is behind those boxes.
Very good base, but turrets need descriptions, and no sound kills it a bit. Not having upgrades is a huge setback.
Thanks for the feedback.
Dindn't Work
Good presentation, but when i tested, the two frames just flashed.
Maybe you converted the symbol to a movie clip, as opposed to a button when you converted the symbol. If you do that, you shouldnt have that problem
it doent come out black on the picture when i select black.
I have mentioned this previously. You are drawing through your face and not ontop. So it will always appear lighter.
it din't dectect my webcam i went into setting and 'allowed' still doesn't work.
Must be something wrong with the drivers because you are the first one to tell it does not work and I have enough good reviews to tell you it works. PM me if you want some help making your webcam work with Flash. I have even used a video camera with this program. Next time play around with your computer before you have a fit that pretty much does not make sense.
Not bad, this a good "test project" maybe make a "stick figure penalty chamber" type thing, with animationa and junk, but if you want to be unique, make the m clebrities. (Or make smart people happy and make it obvama.
Obvama is not a word smart people use.
how do you beat the cop? but otherwise a pretty good game.
Kick. Punch. It's all in the mind.
This would be an almost-perfect game if it had a save funtion.
Oh noes, I lost 6/10 points for no save function?! Still, its something I'm considering adding in future versions, thanks :)
Joined on 8/26/07